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What Do You See? No. 6

High Pressure Injection Injury

High pressure injection injuries are relatively rare but usually occur in the hand as the operator is attempting to clean a paint or grease gun. The injury initially appears insignificant as only a small injection point can be seen on the skin. The power of the injection forces the material into spaces within the hand, making it an extensive tissue injury. If the compartment is not decompressed and the material thoroughly removed, extensive tissue neurosis will occur. To preserve optimal function this injury must be treated as a surgical emergency. This photo shows the surgical debridement of white paint that has been injected throughout the palm.

Recent review article on this subject: Amsdell SL, Hammert WC. High-pressure injection injuries in the hand: current treatment concepts. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery October 2013;132(4):586e-591e.

High Pressure Injection Injury


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Disclaimer: HandLab's What Do You See? is intended to be an informal sharing of practical clinical ideas; not formal evidence-based conclusions of fact.