The proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint is vulnerable to injury, because it lies midway between the long lever arms of the proximal and middle phalanges. Its tight anatomic construction and intricate anatomy are unforgiving of forces crossing it in any plane but the normal flexion or extension. Residual flexion contracture of the PIP joint is a frequent complication after phalangeal fractures, PIP joint dislocation, volar plate injury, flexor tendon repairs chronic boutonniere deformity, partial or complete tear of a collateral ligament, or major hand trauma resulting in edema and immobilization... View Complete Chapter

Chapter 98: Rehabilitation of the Hand, eds: Hunter, Mackin & Callahan, 4th ed, p1617-1629, C.V. Mosby; 1995


Clinical Pearl No. 31 – Waiting for Tissue to Grow

Clinical Pearl No. 26 – Use of a Relative Motion Orthosis for Regaining PIP Joint Flexion or Extension

Clinical Pearl No. 23 – Little Finger Rotation after Distal Radius Fracture

Clinical Pearl No. 14 – How Long Should I Serial Cast a Finger?

Clinical Pearl No. 13 – Why I Dislike Ulnar/Radial Gutter Splints!!

Clinical Pearl No. 12 – Why I Avoid Passive Flexion of the DIP Joint

Clinical Pearl No. 2 – Pre-Operative Serial Casting for Dupuytren’s Contracture Involving the PIP Joint